If you see this error message, your registration link was not formatted correctly. Please contact your instructor or ISD administrator to get the correct registration URL.
The message text says:
The registration link you are using is currently inactive or no longer available. Please check with the person or organization who provided the link to troubleshoot.
Troubleshooting for ISD Administrators
The Registration URL must include the &products=XXXXXXXXX portion shown in the screenshot below. This tells EdReady which subject(s) to enroll the student in.
If this portion is not showing up when you generate a registration URL, be sure that you have checked the appropriate subjects in the left column before generating.
Detailed Instructions: Find District-Specific Registration URLs
If the registration URL is correct, but the registration link still fails, make sure it is not truncated (missing characters from the original).
- The URL might be truncated. This can happen when the link is pasted, for example into an email, and shared with a student, or shared by an admin with a teacher.
- Compare the URL you see in the browser to what was sent to the student. The student might have copy/pasted it with extra whitespace or some characters were lost (usually from the end).
- The URL is long and it might wrap when pasted. Some email or message layouts have been known to break the URL into two parts in this case, so if you click on it, you are only clicking on "half of the link". Verify that the entire URL shows up in the browser's address bar when clicked or pasted.
It is normal for a special character such as an = (equal sign) to be changed into different set of characters (%3D in this case) in the browser. See screenshot below.