Quick Steps
- Log in and immediately click on your name (upper right), then "Edit Profile".
- Click on "Categories"
- ADD a new category and value by selecting "Create New Category" and make your selection.
- On the next screen, use the "Create Value" button to select an option.
- Click "Save"
- EDIT an existing category's value by selecting the Edit button next to the category to change.
- On the next screen, DELETE the value, then click "Create Value" to select a different one.
- You are all set!
Detailed Steps and Screenshots
This article contains the following information:
To ensure that your account is associated with your correct school and class section(s), you'll need to make some minor updates to your EdReady Profile. These edits will ensure that your teacher has access to see your progress and that you get credit for working in EdReady.
These steps can be completed at any time, but we recommend that you do this as you begin working in EdReady.
Steps do not match? Be sure you take these steps IMMEDIATELY after logging in. If you have already moved to your goals dashboard and beyond, you will see different options in the upper-right dropdown menu. |
A. Access 'My Profile' Categories
1. Log into EdReady. Stay on this page and do not go to your goals dashboard.
2. Click on your name in the top header and a dropdown menu will appear. Click on Edit Profile.
Note: if your view looks more like THIS than what is shown above, then you are not in the right place. Go back to the main screen where you land after you first log in.
3. Click on the Categories tab
B. Add new Class Sections or High School
Note that the instructions are essentially the same for ANY category/value that you need to add. For example, you can add your high school in the same manner.
4. Click the Assign new Category button (above the table)
5. Select the value (either 'Section: English' or 'Section: Math') from the dropdown menu and click Next
6. Click the Create Value button above the table
7. A window will open with a pop-up window, listing all available class sections select the correct value for this category. If you don't know what to select, ask your instructor for guidance. Click the Save button.
8. You will see your selected class displayed on-screen. To get back to the main Categories table, click Categories in the breadcrumbs.
9. Repeat steps 4-8 for any categories you need to add to your account.
C. Edit existing Class Sections or High School
Note that the instructions are essentially the same for ANY category/value that you need to change. For example, you can change your high school in the same manner.
If your Texas College Bridge class assignment changes, you can edit the value associated with any existing categories by accessing your Categories page (steps 1-3 above) and:
i. Click the Edit button () for the category you wish to update
ii. On the next screen, Delete () the existing value.
iii. Click Create Value to add the correct selection.
iii. To get back to the main Categories table click Categories in the breadcrumbs (blue buttons) at the top of the screen.