Submit a request

Please read before filling out the form!

>> NEVER share passwords with us or anyone else. We cannot confirm passwords and it puts the security of private student data at risk.

>> Provide the email address you will reply FROM on this form. Replying to your ticket from a different email address will result in delays.

>> Certificate issues must be submitted by students only. Their form is the second choice in the dropdown below, or you can provide this direct link:

>> ONLY fill out this form for yourself. Teachers should not fill out this form on behalf of students, nor vice versa. It leads to confusion and delays. Each person must submit their own form with their own information.

Fill out this form on your own behalf. The name and email must belong to the person requesting help. (Format: Firstname Lastname [capitalize first letter])

If your preferred pronouns are not listed, please provide your preference here.

Use only relevant keywords above to get better suggestions. Provide all the details below.

Check the box to indicate "yes" this ticket is about a particular student.

The first and last name of the student experiencing this issue.

Please provide the email address your student uses to log into EdReady so we can locate their account.

Please ask the student and be sure this matches what the student uses to log in. It may or may not be the same as their email address or their school ID. If you have access to the student's account, you can look up the username.

Check the box to indicate "yes" this issue is affecting multiple students. Note that issues are only identical if the students are all seeing exactly the same error message or other conditions.

Give us a general idea of the proportion of your students affected by this issue.

If this issue is affecting particular users (students or teachers), supplying their REGISTERED EMAILS here is required for processing. Names are optional. The email address they used may be different from what you have on school records, so you may need to check with the student to see what email they registered. If this issue affects several users, provide up to THREE (3) example users. We cannot research long lists of users. Please DO NOT INCLUDE the user's password. This compromises the user's privacy and is never required for troubleshooting.

Provide as much detail as possible. For technical support issues, screenshots are very helpful. You may attach screenshots or pictures at the end of this form.

IMPORTANT! If you are reporting an issue with a particular assessment question, provide the Question ID (a 5- or 6-digit number) that you see on screen. Without this information we will be unable to research the question in our database.

Please select the academic subject(s) that is/are most relevant to your request today.

The full name of your school or institution, not just initials. If you don't have one, write "none".

Please write out the name of your ISD, not the initials.

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