This article contains the following information:
College and Career Support from Texas College Bridge will guide you through the college application process and help you enroll in the college or degree program of your choice. We know that this journey can seem overwhelming, but Texas College Bridge is here to help!
College and Career Support offers step-by-step guidance for juniors and seniors preparing to enter and pay for college. This course includes five individual modules, covering the value of a postsecondary degree, demonstrating college readiness, career exploration, choosing a school, paying for college, and college applications.
Studying College and Career Support materials
Video Tutorial
Written Instructions
- Log into Texas College Bridge and access your dashboard by clicking the View Goals Dashboard button
- The College and Career Support goal will be displayed on your EdReady dashboard, alongside your English and/or math goals. Click the Go to Goal button.
- Unlike math and English, you will get access to the study path without needing to take a diagnostic test first. Click the View Study Path button.
In your study path, you’ll see the different units of material across the top score bar. Your EdReady score, displayed in the purple circle, represents how much of the content you’ve already studied. Everyone will start with a score of 0: you'll see that score increase as you work through the material in this study path.
You need to visit the learning resources before you can test your understanding, so click the Learn button to view the included material.
- The study resources available for this College and Career Support topic will be listed for you: you need to visit ALL the resources before you will be able to access the self-check for this topic. Click on any resource's name to view it: we recommend you study the materials in order.
- As you're working through the study materials, there are a few ways you can get to the next item to study: either use the Back to Resources Home button at the top of the page to get back to the full list of resources for this topic, or click the Next button at the bottom of the page to get to the next resource in the list.
- As you study these materials, you'll see a checkbox next to every item you have visited. You need to visit ALL the materials in order to be able to complete the self-check for this topic.
- When you have finished reviewing the learn resources, click the Back to Study Path button at the top of the page.
Check your understanding by clicking the Self-Check button.
If you answer incorrectly, you’ll see the right answer so you can better understand the information.
After the test, you’ll see this topic has been marked as Complete, no matter how well you did on the questions. The College and Career Support materials are just tracking your completion versus your mastery of the material, so you’ll see your score increase each time you complete a self-check activity.
If you ever want to revisit something you’ve already completed, click on a completed topic or unit on the right-hand side of your study path.
You can also access these items by clicking on the unit from the main study paths page. This is the view you land on when you first visit this goal.