If your schools have web filters in place, it is important that the following domains are listed in the appropriate systems as trusted domains to allow your users access to the system and to receive important email messages (such as their login credentials).
Trusted EdReady Domains
- nrocportal.org and edready.org host the Texas College Bridge EdReady platform
Trusted EdReady Email Domains
- All emails from the EdReady platform will be sent from @edready.org
- All training-related emails come from @nroc.org
Trusted Texas College Bridge Email Domains
Texas College Bridge and related emails may come from any of the following domains:
- @commitpartnership.org
- @TexasCollegeBridge.org
- @dallascountypromise.org
- @greenlightlocker.com
- @glcredentials.com
- @greenlightpassport.com
- @glcredentials.zohodesk.com
If these domains are allowed to communicate with your users and they do not see our messages, please encourage them to check their filter and junk/spam folders.
Advanced Content Filtering
If your content filters allow sites that have not specifically been blocked, your students should have no trouble using EdReady.
However, if your filter settings block any site that has not been explicitly allowed, your students may have trouble accessing some parts or subsystems within EdReady, since they may be served from different domains.
Please see Using EdReady With Content Filters for a detailed list of domains used by the EdReady platform.
Vimeo/YouTube Videos
The Texas College Bridge website for students, https://texascollegebridge.org/students/, contains some videos about the TCB program, EdReady, and Greenlight Locker which are targeted to students and are hosted on Vimeo and YouTube. There is one video in the EdReady platform itself, which introduces students to the diagnostic test, which is hosted on Vimeo. If you would like to whitelist these for your students, here is the list of URLs.
EdReady Embedded Video
EdReady Diagnostic Introduction
Texas College Bridge Videos
EdReady Student Dashboard
EdReady Registration
Greenlight: Sharing Transcript
North Mesquite ISD student
Student tailored
Self-paced learning