There are several common reasons why a teacher is unable to see a student's account. Guides to resolve all of these issues are covered in this article.
- The student did not select the teacher's class section and/or the correct high school.
- The student is working on the wrong EdReady site.
- The teacher is assigned to both math AND English class sections. In this case, the student must also have a matching section for BOTH subjects, even if they are not actually studying both subjects at this time.
- The teacher as been assigned the "Essay Grade" category.
- The teacher has not been assigned to this year's goals (subjects).
- The teacher is looking in Advanced Reports, and the student has not yet completed the initial diagnostic.
How to Resolve
This video provides a brief overview of some common scenarios to provide guidance on how to review your configuration. Be sure to use the [+] button to add the cohort, high school, and section columns to your view. Additional details continue below.
In most cases, your school or ISD administrator can see the student's account and will be able to determine the cause. The following steps will help:
- Check the high school and section assignments of the teacher/admin who CANNOT see the student.
- Check the high school and section assignments of the student in question.
- Compare the two. The values must match on both accounts. Students need to have ONE of each value that matches the teacher. (E.g., if the teacher has more than one English section, the student only needs one matching English section.)
- The most common problem is that the student has not selected the correct high school or section to match the teacher.
- Any admin/teacher who can see the student can make changes (Teacher/Admin Instructions) OR you can have the student make changes in their own account. (Student Instructions)
- If you find a common pattern, teachers and admins can Bulk Edit Student Accounts.
Other situations to look for:
- If the teacher has sections assigned in BOTH the Section:Math and Section:English categories, then students must select a class section in both of those categories also, even if they are currently enrolled in only one subject. If this situation seems to be causing issues for your school, please review this article: Staff Supporting Multiple Subjects (Math and English)
- Teachers must never be assigned the "Essay Grade" category. This category should always be removed entirely from the teacher's account. (Remove the Category, not just the Values.)
- Teachers must have this year's goals (subjects) assigned. See Edit Admin Users.
- Students do not show up in "Advanced Reports" until they have completed the initial diagnostic. If the teacher can locate the student on the "Manage" tab, then they do have access to the student's account, which is the main concern for monitoring progress. The teacher should check with the student to see if they are having a hard time getting started, or perhaps are working in the wrong EdReady site (see below).
- IMPORTANT: Be aware that some students accidentally make an account at EdReady.org instead of Texas College Bridge. Students who cannot be found in TCB or whose progress is not show in reports should be checked to ensure that they are actually working on TCB's EdReady site. See How To Identify Student Working on the Wrong EdReady Site.
Getting Help
If no one at your school can view the student's account, you can ask your ISD administrator for help. They can often help you more quickly than EdReady staff due to the volume of tickets we receive at the beginning of a term.
You can reach out to the EdReady support team by using the "Help" button at the bottom of the screen or the "Submit a support ticket" link at the top. You can also find the TCB team in Office Hours for Staff and Admins
Be sure to include the following information in your request:
- Student's first and last name.
- Email address they used when they registered. (If the student does not remember, provide both school and personal addresses.)