This article contains the following information:
General Overview
It is imperative for students' date of birth to be entered correctly in EdReady. In order to connect to the TEA database to retreieve the TSDS number, the name and date of birth have to match exactly to the student's official record. Students are able to edit their date of birth if entered incorrectly. Teachers and ISD Administrators are also able to update this information.
Accessing Birth Date Information
1. Navigate to the student who has an incorrect or missing birth date.
2. Click on the Edit button in the Actions column.
3. Click on the Custom Fields tab.
Updating the Birth Date
4. Click the Edit button in the Date of birth row.
5. Click into the Value textbox and a calendar module will open: use the dropdown menus to ensure the correct Month and Year are selected, then click on the correct Day in that month.
6. When the correct date has been selected, click the Save button
Removing TSDS Field
TEA requires a TSDS Number for each student record. EdReady has a connection to the TEA database and will automatically populate that number for each student, but only if it can find the student's record. If there is a 'NA' in the TSDS field, this must be deleted in order for it to connect to the TEA database.
1. Navigate back to the Custom Fields tab in for the student that needs the TSDS number removed.
2. Click on the Delete button for the TSDS row.
3. When the birth date and name are correct for this student, the TEA database will automatically update the TSDS number and it will appear in this field.