This article contains the following information:
Original Subject Assignment
The subjects that a student is assigned is initially determined by the registration URL they use to sign up for Texas College Bridge: there is a URL for students studying English only, math only, and both subjects. During registration, the subject(s) a student is signing up to study are listed under the "You Are Subscribing To The Following Goals" header:
All students - regardless of the subjects they are signing up to study - will see the same set of dropdown menus and fields on the registration page. This means that students studying only math will have an option to select a "Section: English" and vice-versa. Students who are not studying this subject can skip that dropdown on the registration page (this is emphasized in the student-facing registration video HERE).
"Section" categories do not assign subjects
The dropdown menus do not impact the subjects a student is studying. Selecting a "Section: Math" value does not sign a student up to study math and selecting a "Section: English" also does not sign a student up to study math.
This is true during registration, but also after registration: a student cannot begin studying a subject by adding a "Subject" category to their account.
Important: this is true whether the student adds the section to their account or their teacher does... the 'Section' assignments have no impact on the subjects a student is studying.
How to add a subject
If a student needs a subject added to their account, they need an admin user (teacher, school administrator, or school administrator) to do this for them. Students cannot add a subject to their own account.
You can find instructions on how admin users can do this here:
Add a Subject to Student Account
Some tips to allow the student's teacher to do this:
- Even though it won't assign the subject, ensure that the student does add the teacher's Section: English or Section: Math to their account (student-facing instructions HERE).
- In order for the teacher to add the subject, they must be able to see the student's account: the student (and teacher's) matching category values are what determines which students a teacher can see.
- NOTE: If the teacher can only see one subject (assigned when an admin edited their account), they will not be able to see students who are not yet studying their subject. In this case, a user who can see this student (& has access to their current subject assignment(s)) will need to add the subject