If you need to grade an essay from last term so that your student can receive their certificate, this article will explain how to proceed.
This does NOT apply to students who did not complete their English study paths during the current school year. All students who did not complete their work must start fresh in the new school year.
Teachers must contact support for help: Submit a Support Ticket
The previous school term in Texas College Bridge closes in late July (the exact date is announced to instructors throughout the latter part of the year) at the start of the annual transition week. Students can no longer access their work and teachers can no longer grade essays after the deadline, because the entire site is shut down for a week and all access to last year's content is rescinded.
After the start of the new term, grading of last year's essays can only be done manually by EdReady support staff.
Any manual essay grades entered after the transition week (typically in early August) will be credited to the student's CURRENT school year, not the previous year.
You MUST follow the steps below to have EdReady staff update the student's grade and issue their certificate.
How To Contact Support
1. Submit a support ticket for assistance with grading a student's essay from last year and getting their certificate generated manually.
Be sure to provide:
- Student's full name.
- Email address registered in Texas College Bridge EdReady.
- Login username (if known).
- Make a clear statement in your support ticket that the student has passed their essay and you would like us to manually enter the passing grade.
- Feel free to include any questions you have.
2. EdReady support will provide you with a copy of the student's essay for offline grading.
3. Work with the student until they achieve a passing essay grade.
4. Reply to your support ticket and let EdReady staff know when the student has earned a "Pass". We will adjust the student's essay grade for last year and issue the certificate manually.