This article contains the following information:
EdReady Essay Statuses
The "Essay Grade" category will indicate the student's current progress with their EdReady Essay. The Essay statuses include:
- Not Started: there has been no activity on the essay from the student.
- In Progress: there is activity from the student but nothing has been submitted for grading.
- Submitted: The student has submitted an essay and is ready to be graded for the first time by the instructor.
- Incomplete: the essay was graded by the instructor and given the grade of Incomplete. The essay is now open and available for the student to review and make edits.
- Revising: there is student activity in the essay and there was at least one prior submission.
- Resubmitted: the essay is ready to be graded again.
- Pass: the essay was graded and has been given the grade of Pass, no further edits or changes can be made to the essay.
Where to find Essay Status Updates
The status of a student's essay can be found in the Essay Grade column in the Students tab and in the following reports:
- Group Summary Report
- All "Advanced Reports," including:
To filter by Essay Status, click the plus icon and select Essay Grade. The essay status for each individual student will show in the Essay Grade column.